workplace wellbeing

Nature’s happy, restorative & inspiring space lies waiting for your workplace to step outside & embrace

Poor mental health costs the workplace a staggering £53bn annually. With 55% of all working days lost to sickness being mental health related. That's an estimated cost of £1600 per employee per year due to mental health challenges.

A happy and healthy team have more energy, are motivated and confident in their abilities. In turn this sees them more efficient, engaged and productive. Able to turn their attention to their personal and professional development instead of being lost in worries over their basic needs. Not only does this support staff retention, but your organisation’s performance and profitability will look healthier too.

The importance of nourishing your team

nature & wellbeing

A few hours of mindful activity in nature has significant benefits to a person's mental and physical health.

Not only does nature support people's wellbeing it benefits their performance too. It has been proven that being in nature increases creativity, productivity, problem solving, communication, engagement and team spirit.

Have you ever been out walking and had that awesome idea pop into your head? There’s a reason for that - nature fuels creativity (increasing by an average of 60% according to Stanford researchers). From the awe of nature’s beautiful landscape to the cycle of life seen through the seasons, there's a constant pot of inspiration. Being in nature helps us to see a different perspective, to open the mind beyond the four walls of the office.

Taking the workplace into nature isn’t a new concept. Although it’s been a trend in recent years with Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and other high profile business names sharing about the benefits. The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1889) wrote “all truly great thoughts are conceived by walking”. Going as far back as the 3rd Century BC when Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato were well known for strolling the walkways of the Lyceum talking and teaching.

40 years of research

In the 1980s, Japan was experiencing a booming tech industry. A surge of people left rural life in search of success in the city. With the drive to turn the economy around they worked long, stressful hours. As a result workers were becoming physically and mentally unwell.

Noticing they had a workplace wellbeing crisis they took workers out into nature for a few mindful hours and noticed it had a significant positive impact on their wellbeing. As a result the first research was instigated to prove the benefits from connecting with nature.

This saw the phrase Shinrin-Yoku being coined in Japan, meaning ‘to bathe in the forest atmosphere’. In the west this is better known as forest-bathing.

    • reduces tiredness & increases energy

    • improves focus, concentration & memory

    • reduces stress (lowers cortisol & adrenaline hormones)

    • lifts depression (increases positive emotions & reduces negative emotions)

    • decreases anxiety, tension, confusion & anger

    • balances the nervous system

    • reduces blood pressure, lowers blood-sugar levels, improves cardiovascular & metabolic health

    • boosts the immune system (increases the count of NK cells)

    • improves the length & quality of sleep


Whether you’d like a one-off nature wellbeing experience for your workplace or to explore an ongoing partnership I’d love to support your organisation.

Nature workplace wellbeing experiences are built on the belief that by helping an individual have the tools and space to maintain their wellbeing and deepen their connection to their self they are better equipped to create a happy personal life. If they are happy, they're able to thrive in their life and work which in turn supports your organisation in succeeding too.


    Events tailored to your workplace needs

    They can incorporate forest-bathing, meditation, coaching and cacao depending on whether your focus is on restoring & supporting wellbeing, deepening team relationships or having creative time amongst the trees.


    A nourishing programme to keep your workplace well

    Providing your team with the ongoing tools and regualr space to maintain their wellbeing & deepen their connection to self so they are better equipped to thrive in life & work.

  • 1-1 coaching

    Extra support for those struggling with wellbeing & work

    I work with 1:1 clients at various stages of supporting wellbeing & work/life balance. Individuals might be in need of focused time to stay on track, they might be taking sick days off work or are being signed off for extended periods. Together we find their path to wellness & back into work.

explore supporting your team’s wellbeing

I’d be delighted to have explore if I’d be the right match to support your workplace. Please use the form to get in touch or email, sharing with me what you’d like to discuss.


about amanda

In 2019, struggling to balance the demands of my career and lacking in support I recognised that low mental health was starting to take it’s toll and my personal aspirations had long fallen by the wayside. 1 night, after a panic attack, I made the decision to change my life and I pressed the re-set button. Choosing to walk away from a successful 15-year career managing product departments for award winning British fashion brands worth up to £20million. I wanted to live a life that made me happy and I set out to create the change I believed was needed in the world.

I am is on a mission to make a positive impact on balancing the complexities faced in modern, working life. Driven by a desire to bring nature into the everyday. Powered by a belief that you can have it all - a happy, healthy, heart-full life where both your personal and professional dreams are your reality.